The PowerPLAY Show
CO-HOST / Kimberly Perez
The PowerPLAY Show is the premiere podcast of Hull Bay Productions. The show is designed to tackle the issues of power and what it means in all facets of society.
On The PowerPLAY Show, we speak to those in power – and what their role means for how things get done and change in our world. We tackle the tough questions and challenge the responsibilities of those in positions of power to make a difference.
We lend voice to the powerless and find ways to open dialogs for people who feel as though their opinions are not heard and whose concerns are not met.
Why The PowerPLAY Show? Because our mission is this: listen, talk, learn, and change. The very definition of power is the ability to act or produce an effect and it is this platform that will allow for change to take place and we want YOU to be a part of this movement.